On July 20, 2024, in the latest episode of “Kundali Bhagya,” tensions continue to escalate among the Luthra family. The episode opens with a confrontation between Preeta and Shaurya. Preeta insists Shaurya withdraw the police complaint he filed against Rajveer. Nidhi warns Shaurya about the potential consequences if he follows Preeta’s advice, but Shaurya remains adamant, refusing to budge.
Nidhi’s manipulative influence over Shaurya becomes evident when she tries to convince him that Preeta is exploiting his kindness. Shaurya, influenced by Nidhi, refuses to withdraw the complaint, leading to a heated argument. Preeta, in her frustration, slaps Shaurya, causing further conflict. Nidhi intervenes, defending Shaurya and exacerbating the situation.
The Luthra family, including Mahesh, Kavya, and Rakhi, try to mediate, but their efforts seem futile. Preeta’s genuine concern for Rajveer and her attempts to protect him highlight her maternal instincts, which Shaurya fails to recognize due to Nidhi’s manipulation. Kavya tries to support Preeta, reminding Shaurya of Preeta’s motherly role, but Shaurya’s anger only intensifies.
Nidhi’s brainwashing continues as she fills Shaurya’s mind with doubts about Preeta’s intentions, suggesting that Preeta is trying to gain control over the family’s assets. Despite feeling remorse for slapping Shaurya, Preeta stands firm in her belief that she did what was necessary to protect Rajveer.
The family’s internal strife is further complicated by secrets and misunderstandings. Rakhi feels deeply troubled, knowing that Shaurya is unaware of his true parentage and the depth of Preeta’s love for him. Meanwhile, Preeta is tormented by the situation, feeling guilty yet resolute in her actions to defend Rajveer.
Amidst this turmoil, Palki offers emotional support to Preeta, understanding her distress and promising to visit her. Rakhi, Kareena, and Kritika also grapple with the fallout, lamenting the toxic influence Nidhi has had on Shaurya. They fear that revealing the truth to Preeta could lead to more harm than good, leaving them in a state of emotional turmoil.
As the episode concludes, the Luthra household remains in a state of unrest, with relationships strained and tensions high. The ongoing manipulations, misunderstandings, and hidden truths continue to drive a wedge between family members, setting the stage for further drama in the episodes to come.