On August 26th, 2024, tensions rise in the latest episode of the popular show Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye. The episode begins with Virat noticing Amruta as she prepares herself to portray Radha. Virat reassures Amruta, telling her not to worry about Babita. Amruta clarifies that her concern was not with Babita, but rather with Priyanka, who had entered their room unexpectedly. Virat, sensing Amruta’s unease, asks if she suspects Priyanka of plotting something once again. Determined to protect Amruta, Virat assures her that he will not let Priyanka cause her any harm.
Meanwhile, Bebe and Babita admire the decorations, appreciating the effort put into them. As these moments unfold, Nimrit is shown heading to the washroom, unaware that Rajiv has entered her room. Rajiv quickly rummages through her cupboard, retrieving some documents before hastily exiting as he notices Nimrit about to emerge.
The scene shifts to Bhavani, who requests Amruta to fetch some oil, claiming she forgot to get it earlier. Amruta obliges and heads to the kitchen. At the same time, Priyanka is seen discussing their plans with Ishika. They know the oil is crucial to their scheme. As they hurry towards the kitchen, they bump into Amruta. Priyanka quickly hides the oil, and Amruta, sensing something is off, questions Priyanka about her intentions. Priyanka remains silent, merely commenting on Amruta before walking away.
As the families gather to watch the much-anticipated play, the atmosphere is charged with excitement. Amruta plays the role of Radha, while Nimrit takes on the part of Sri Krishna. Virat, watching Nimrit’s performance, can’t help but be impressed by Amruta’s portrayal of Radha.
However, the drama intensifies when Priyanka secretly shows a preview of her plan. She sends a doll toward a pot, and as the pot shatters, the doll is destroyed in the explosion. Priyanka, with a malicious glint in her eyes, remarks that this will be Amruta’s fate when she attempts to break the Matki during the festivities. Her intention is clear – she wants to ruin Amruta’s face.
After the play, Bebe is full of praise for Nimrit’s performance, applauding her for doing an excellent job. Jahan takes this opportunity to point out to Bhavani that Amruta has even won Bebe’s approval. He further suggests that the only thing left for Amruta and Virat’s marriage to be complete is Bhavani’s blessing. Bhavani, however, remains silent, leaving the matter unresolved.
Priyanka, not content with her previous plan, takes things a step further by placing the Pooja ki Thaal on the stove to heat it up. Ishika, confused by Priyanka’s actions, questions her. Priyanka, with a sinister smile, reveals that the Thaal is meant for Sri Krishna to be swung, and her plan is that either Bhavani or Amruta will touch the scorching Thaal, burning their hands in the process.
Later, in a bid to exclude Amruta, Ishika suggests to the Ahuja family that they take a family photo together. Babita, seizing the moment, agrees and insists that only the Ahuja family be in the picture, deliberately excluding Amruta. Virat, however, intervenes, reminding Babita that it is Janmashtami, and on this day, Radha and Krishna cannot be separated. His words leave Babita with no choice but to include Amruta in the family photo.
The episode ends on a tense note, with the audience left wondering how Priyanka’s schemes will unfold and what consequences they will bring. The festival that should have brought joy and unity is now overshadowed by Priyanka’s malicious intentions, leaving viewers eagerly anticipating the next episode to see if Amruta will fall victim to her plans or if she will manage to escape unscathed.
Episode ends.