The story unfolds with the Thakkar family winning a tug-of-war competition against the Bhosle family, causing quite a stir. The victory leads to the Thakkars teasing the Bhosles, and Raju asserts that this win decides Savi and Rajat’s wedding will be held in traditional Gujarati style. Bhagyashree, trying to maintain the atmosphere, offers sweets to Isha, but Isha leaves with her family members, not wanting to participate in the celebration.
Rajat returns home and finds his family in a festive mood. However, he quickly reminds Bhagyashree of the warning given by Lawyer Wadia that they could lose custody of Sai if Ashika learns about the upcoming marriage. Bhagyashree dismisses the concern, insisting that since Savi will be Rajat’s wife, they should at least follow their customs. Rajat, focused on a different matter, tells her to do what she wants but emphasizes that he is determined to save Aman from jail. He vows not to let the person who framed Aman get away with it. Meanwhile, Lucky, who is worried about Rajat’s plans, secretly hires someone to rescue Aman from jail. Although Lucky was the one who framed Aman, he fears his brother’s private investigator might discover his involvement.
In a separate scene, Isha and her family are busy watching YouTube videos to learn how to perform a Gujarati engagement ceremony. As they prepare, the doorbell rings, and Mrunmayi goes to answer it. She is surprised and emotional to see her mother, Latha, at the door. The family is equally surprised by Latha’s visit, and Savi explains that she brought Latha home. Isha expresses her gratitude to Savi for reuniting them. Latha reassures Mrunmayi, asking her not to cry and to trust her. Harini reminds Mrunmayi that they need to help with the wedding preparations. Isha and Latha then start planning to make Savi’s wedding a grand affair.
Bhagyashree, on her end, is checking the list of items needed for the engagement when she hears the sound of dhol drums. She joyfully calls out to her kids, announcing that their uncle has arrived. The excitement is palpable, and even Isha’s family comments on Bhagyashree’s exuberance. Bhagyashree greets her brother’s family warmly and invites them inside, intending to catch up and gossip.
As the events unfold, tension builds between Ashika and Harsh. Harsh confronts Ashika, asking why she hadn’t informed him earlier that she saw Rajat and Savi together at the court. Ashika, feeling defensive, explains that Harsh was too busy in a meeting to take her call and that it wasn’t her fault. Harsh, however, grows suspicious, thinking that Rajat and Savi might be planning to marry. He recalls that Savi mentioned she was at a hotel to meet a wedding prospect, and Chitra said that Rajat was there to fix his wedding. Despite Ashika’s disbelief, Harsh insists that they need to find out what’s going on. Ashika decides to meet Savi the next day to get to the bottom of it, and Harsh agrees to accompany her. Saisha, too, expresses a desire to join them, but Ashika sends her away with the nanny, Asha.
Meanwhile, Rajat visits Aman in jail and assures him that he will get him out, no matter what. He even hands Aman a cool drink bottle with single malt hidden inside, joking that it’s like having a bachelor party in jail. Aman teases Rajat, and the police inspector, overhearing their conversation, wishes Rajat all the best for his upcoming wedding.
Back at home, Harini and Mrunmayi tease Savi about her impending marriage to Rajat. Savi, irritated, asks them if they’ve been drinking and dismisses their jokes. She then steps aside to call Ashika, asking if Saisha can attend school the next day. Ashika agrees and even offers to pick Saisha up herself. When Ashika asks where the engagement will be held, Savi claims she doesn’t know because Shantanu is handling everything. Ashika grows suspicious, sensing that Savi is deliberately withholding information about the engagement venue.
As the night progresses, Bhagyashree and her relatives play cards, but a tense moment arises when Janaki makes a thoughtless comment about Savi’s inability to become a mother, suggesting that Saisha will be better off without siblings. Raju, outraged, scolds Janaki for speaking so harshly and reminds her that Savi genuinely loves Saisha. Janaki, taken aback, admits that she’s curious to see Savi for herself and decides to attend the engagement the next day.
The episode ends on a cliffhanger, leaving viewers wondering how the engagement will unfold and whether the truth about Rajat and Savi’s relationship will come to light. The tension between the families and the secrets they keep continue to build, promising more drama in the days to come.