The story unfolds on the 26th of August, 2024, with the Thakkar family basking in joy after winning custody of Saisha. Sai and Savi, two central characters, find themselves at the center of this emotional turmoil. The episode starts with Sai embracing Savi, a moment filled with mixed emotions as the court’s decision sinks in. Harsh and Ashika, who have lost the case, engage in a heated argument, blaming each other for the unfavorable outcome. Rajat, another key character, enters the scene, taunting Harsh and Ashika for their loss. He then asks Harsh to pack Sai’s belongings, adding salt to their wounds. Bhagyasree, a supportive figure, offers to assist in gathering Sai’s things, determined to ensure everything is handled properly.
Meanwhile, Isha, worried about the court’s verdict, receives a call from Savi. Upon hearing the news that Savi has won custody, Isha congratulates her, remarking that Savi has finally become a mother. The conversation ends on a positive note, but the underlying tension remains.
Ashika, filled with bitterness, accuses Savi of stealing Saisha from her. She curses Savi, predicting that she will never find happiness in her new marriage. Bhagyasree, however, steps in, defending Savi and chastising Ashika for her harsh words. She urges Ashika to leave before things escalate further. Ashika, feeling defeated, exits the scene.
Bhagyasree then questions Savi’s silence during Ashika’s tirade. Savi explains that despite everything, Ashika is still Saisha’s mother. Bhagyasree, understanding but firm, encourages Savi to assert her position as Saisha’s sole mother from now on. She also asks Savi to begin preparations for Saisha’s welcome, to which Savi agrees, determined to make this new chapter a success.
As the Thakkar family busily prepares for Saisha’s homecoming, Savi decides to make a special sweet dish. She consults Tara, asking what Saisha likes besides Modak, and learns that Kanwar is her favorite. Savi then sets out to prepare the dish, eager to make Saisha feel at home.
Raju, observing Savi’s efforts in the kitchen, later approaches her with a gift—a diamond necklace. He explains that by preparing the sweet dish, Savi has unknowingly completed her first kitchen ritual, a significant milestone in her new role.
Rajat and Aman return home to find the house beautifully decorated. Aman attributes all their happiness to Savi, acknowledging that it’s because of her that they now have Saisha in their lives. As Bhagyasree brings Saisha home, Harsh and Ashika follow with Saisha’s luggage, still reeling from their defeat.
Upon entering the house, Bhagyasree and Saisha are greeted with darkness. But as Bhagyasree turns on the lights, the entire Thakkar family warmly welcomes Saisha with a song, creating a heartwarming moment. Harsh and Ashika, watching from outside, can only look on in despair.
Bhagyasree takes Saisha’s luggage from Harsh and Ashika, telling them they can leave now. Rajat seizes the opportunity to taunt Harsh again, reminding him of his victory. Harsh, however, retorts that Rajat may have won the court case, but he had to marry someone he doesn’t love to achieve it, making him a loser in his eyes. Rajat, unfazed, responds that Savi’s love for Saisha is all that matters to him, emphasizing that his family is his top priority.
Savi, who overhears this exchange, invites Rajat inside, signaling the start of their new life together. The Thakkar family then gathers to celebrate Saisha’s arrival, with Saisha cutting a cake and distributing chocolates. In a symbolic gesture, Saisha gives only one chocolate each to Savi and Rajat, and asks Rajat to feed it to Savi, which he does willingly. This sweet moment is captured by Raju, who takes a photo of them together. However, when Raju accidentally drops his phone, the screen cracks, leading Bhagyasree to worry that it’s a bad omen. Despite Raju’s reassurances, Bhagyasree remains concerned.
Later, Raju tries to console Bhagyasree, reminding her that Lord Krishna has given them a precious gift on his birthday. Bhagyasree suddenly realizes that it’s Janmashtami, and she hasn’t prepared Chappan Bhog, a traditional offering, for Lord Krishna. Feeling guilty, she apologizes to the deity, reflecting her deep sense of devotion and responsibility.
The episode ends on this note, leaving viewers with a mix of emotions—joy, tension, and anticipation for what’s to come next in the lives of these characters.
Episode ends.