On August 18, 2024, an episode of the popular television drama Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein aired, filled with unexpected turns and intense moments. The episode starts with Rajat noticing that Savi’s dori is untied, and to add to the awkwardness, some juice spills on her blouse. Rajat, visibly concerned, is unsure how to approach the situation. In an attempt to help, he asks Nisha to assist Savi, despite Savi’s initial reluctance. Savi, frustrated, comments on Rajat’s behavior, which leads Nisha to defend him, calling Rajat a true gentleman. Nisha also points out the juice stain on Savi’s blouse and lehenga.
Meanwhile, Ashika faces a challenging situation as her car breaks down on the way. Frustrated, she lashes out at the driver, expressing her irritation. At the same time, Lucky announces a performance by Savi and Rajat. Initially, both Savi and Rajat refuse to perform, but under pressure from their cousins, they eventually agree. Their performance on the song “Jor ka Jatka” brings the family together, with everyone joining in the dance.
In another subplot, Aman and Mrunmayi share a tense moment. After drinking some Sharbat, Aman tries to initiate a conversation with Mrunmayi, but she is not interested. However, when her bracelet falls off, Aman helps her find it. The search for the bracelet leads them to mend their differences, rekindling their romance. As they reconcile under the table, Lucky witnesses the scene and becomes furious, plotting to separate the couple.
Back at the function, Ashika finally arrives but is disappointed to see that the event has already ended. Determined to give Savi a gift, she decides to visit Savi’s house. On her way out, she encounters Bhagyashree, who takes the opportunity to mock Ashika. Bhagyashree hints at revealing who Rajat is planning to marry but is stopped by Raju before she can say anything more. Shantanu then steps in and escorts Ashika to meet Savi.
When Ashika and Savi meet, Shantanu briefs Savi on the situation, urging her to handle it carefully. Ashika presents Savi with a diamond necklace as a gift, but Savi hesitates to accept it, sensing that there might be an ulterior motive. Despite her suspicions, Savi eventually accepts the gift after Ashika insists. During their conversation, Ashika notices Savi’s mehendi and requests her to bring some sweets. While Savi steps away, Ashika’s eyes fall on a mug with a photo gifted by Sai, and she quickly deduces that Savi and Rajat’s marriage is connected to Sai’s custody.
As Savi returns with the sweets, Ashika hastily excuses herself, leaving the house in a rush. She heads straight to Rajat’s home to confirm her suspicions. When she knocks on the door, Bhagyashree answers. Ashika directly asks if Rajat is indeed planning to marry Savi. Bhagyashree confirms this, adding that Ashika should prepare to lose the custody case. She then shuts the door in Ashika’s face, leaving her stunned.
The episode concludes with a gripping scene. As preparations for the sangeet ritual continue, Savi makes a shocking announcement, halting the ceremony. She declares that the wedding will not take place and confronts Rajat, firmly stating that he will not gain custody of Sai.
This episode of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein leaves viewers on the edge of their seats, with the stakes higher than ever. The complex relationships and hidden motives add layers of intrigue to the ongoing story, making it clear that the path ahead for Savi, Rajat, and the rest of the characters is fraught with challenges and emotional turmoil.
Episode ends.