On August 14, 2024, the popular television show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein aired an episode filled with emotional twists and complex relationships. The story began with Savi confronting Rajat for forgetting the engagement ring. Savi, disappointed and upset, demanded an apology from Rajat. However, Rajat calmly reassured everyone that he had a ring, and asked Aman to fetch it from his room. Despite this, Tara eagerly anticipated a diamond ring, ignoring Rajat’s assurances.
When Aman returned with the ring, everyone was surprised to see that it was a handcrafted piece. Rajat explained to Savi that the ring was specially crafted by Sai, their family member, for their engagement. He promised to buy a new one later. Savi, touched by the gesture, declared that Sai’s handcrafted ring was the best in the world and accepted it wholeheartedly. The engagement was sealed as Rajat placed the ring on Savi’s finger, bringing joy to the gathering. Janki, another family member, admired the ring, while Rajat playfully hinted that the initials “S” and “R” stood for Sai and Rajat, not Savi. Despite the playful jab, Savi cherished the ring for its sentimental value. The moment was captured by the photographer, marking a significant milestone in their relationship.
As the preparations for the upcoming sangeet ceremony began, Bhagyashree and her family were seen practicing their dance routines. However, a conflict arose when Isha, another character, arrived and claimed that she had booked the hall for the day. Bhagyashree argued that they had arrived first, leading to a tense exchange. Janki, a mediator, reminded Isha that it was improper to behave rudely with the groom’s family. Harini, another family member, intervened and suggested that the bride’s family should practice elsewhere, showing respect to the groom’s side. Isha eventually agreed, and she and Harini left the hall to find another place to practice.
During the dance practice, Bhagyashree became emotional while listening to the song “Jhaa Chudail,” which reminded her of Sai. Concerned family members asked her what was wrong, and Bhagyashree expressed her deep longing for Sai’s presence in all the wedding functions. Rajat tried to explain to her that bringing Sai could jeopardize their efforts to gain custody of her if Ashika, another key character, discovered the truth about his impending marriage to Savi. Despite the tension, the family rallied around Bhagyashree, offering their support. Savi, witnessing the scene from a distance, was moved by the emotions on display.
Meanwhile, Sai disrupted Ashika’s photoshoot, much to Ashika’s annoyance. She scolded Sai and sent her away with the nanny. Harsh, another character, observed the situation and advised Ashika to be more considerate towards Sai to strengthen her position in the custody battle. He reminded her that treating her daughter well could work in her favor. Just then, a servant informed Ashika that Savi had come to see her. Harsh pointed out that Ashika was fortunate that Savi hadn’t witnessed her harsh behavior towards Sai. He instructed the servant to invite Savi inside.
When Savi entered, she requested Ashika to allow Sai to attend her sangeet ceremony. Ashika agreed, on the condition that Sai stayed away from the Thakkar family. She then revealed that she had seen the Thakkar family at Savi’s engagement, and mistakenly assumed that Milind was the groom. Savi quickly realized the misunderstanding and tried to clarify. Harsh suggested that Savi invite Ashika to the wedding, but Ashika declined, citing her busy schedule. Curious, Ashika asked about the wedding date, and Savi informed her that it was in two days. When Sai entered the room, she was overjoyed to see Savi, and the two shared a warm moment.
Later, Savi brought Sai to her family, where Bhagyashree excitedly asked if they were practicing dance for Savi’s wedding. Bhagyashree’s joy was evident as she embraced Sai warmly. However, Rajat quickly pulled Savi aside and reprimanded her for bringing Sai without considering the potential consequences. Savi defended her decision, explaining that Bhagyashree had missed Sai deeply, which prompted her to bring her. Rajat, although concerned, couldn’t help but be touched by Savi’s reasoning.
As the episode came to a close, a tense moment unfolded when Sai approached Rajat, pleading with him not to marry Savi. She tearfully begged him not to take Savi away from her, unaware that Ashika was watching the entire exchange. This revelation left Ashika shocked as she realized that Savi and Rajat were the ones getting married, not Milind. The episode ended on this dramatic note, leaving viewers eager to see how the characters would navigate the complicated relationships and emotions that were unraveling.
Episode ends.