
Free Fire redeem codes (4 April 2024) Garena FF reward codes

Free Fire redeem codes (4 April 2024) Garena FF reward codes
Free Fire redeem codes (4 April 2024) Garena FF reward codes [Image via: Garena Free Fire]

Are you on the hunt for the latest Free Fire codes? Look no further; we have just updated our list with the freshest codes for April 4, 2024. These codes are your ticket to unlocking exciting in-game items such as unique outfits, lively dances, adorable pets, and much more. Free Fire, a game that has captured the hearts of millions globally, is known for its engaging gameplay. We share your enthusiasm for the game and understand the thrill of acquiring free in-game items. Hence, we have compiled this list of the most recent Free Fire codes for April 4, 2024.


These codes are designed to enhance your gaming experience. They give you access to typically challenging items, adding an extra layer of excitement to your game. The impact these codes can have on your gameplay is truly astonishing. With new codes being released daily, it can be a daunting task to stay updated. But worry not, we are here to assist. We ensure this page is updated daily with the latest codes, so you never miss out on any new additions.

Therefore, we recommend bookmarking this page and checking it daily. This simple habit ensures you never miss out on claiming exciting free items in your Free Fire game. Make the most of these codes today and add a new dimension of fun to your game. Remember, the world of Free Fire is full of surprises, and with these codes, you’re always ready for the next big adventure.

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Garena Free Fire Information Table

Free Fire redeem codes Today 4 April 2024
Game Name Free Fire redeem codes
Developed by 111dots Studio, Garena International News
Post Name Free Fire redeem codes
Rewards emotes, accessories, costumes, diamond vouchers, pets, and premium bundles
Codes Last Updated 4 April 2024
Platforms Android, iOS, iPad
Official Link

Free Fire new redeem codes 4 April 2024 (100% Working)

Here are all the Free Fire redeem codes that we’ve been able to test and confirm are working:

  • 1Z4B9S6C8A7H2D0G
  • P3V7I9Y2W4N36Q8K
  • X5R1M93L7F0E2J44
  • U6O8Z33H1G5D7C9A
  • K2V6N38M4L0J3I5B
  • Y7F9E31D3T5S0R2P
  • 4C8Q23W6N0M23B5V
  • A1H3K35J7G9F0D2S
  • E4R6T38Y0U2I5O7L
  • 9B1N3M5V782C8X6Z
  • W2E4R6T88Y20U1I3
  • O5P7A98S0D2F4G6H
  • L8K0J82N4B6V9C1X
  • Q3W5E87R9T0Y2U4I
  • 6O8Z18X3C51V7B9N
  • G0H2J84K61L8M1N3
  • U5I7O9P0A28S4D6F
  • 8G9H0J11K82L3M4N
  • T5R7E9W08Q2X4C6V
  • 6L8M0N2B84V15C7X
  • Y9U0I1O28P3A4S5D
  • 6F7G8H9J80K11L2M
  • E3R4T5Y68U117I8O
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Garena Free Fire MAX Redeem Code (NEW)

  • A8B3C6D1E4F9G2H5
  • T6U1V4W9X2Y5Z8A3
  • Q2R5S8T3U6V1W4X9
  • M7N1P4Q9R2S5T8U3
  • E6F1G4H9J2K5L8M3
  • Z7A2B5C8D1E4F9G6
  • V3W6X9Y2Z5A82B1C
  • L4M1N8P3Q6R9S2T5
  • J9K2L5M8N1P4Q7R3
  • C6D1E4F9G2H5J8K3
  • P7Q2R5S8T3U6V9W4
  • Y5Z8A3B6C9D2E7F1
  • W4X9Y2Z5A8B3C6D1
  • R3S6T1U4V7W2X5Y8
  • F9G2H5J8K1L4M7N3
  • B7C2D5E8F3G6H9J4
  • U6V1W4X9Y2Z5A8B3
  • D1E4F9G2H5J8K3L6
  • N8P3Q6R9S2T5U1V4
  • K5L8M1N4P7Q2R5S9
  • H2J5K8L3M6N9P1Q4
  • S8T3U6V9W2X5Y8Z1
  • G4H9J2K5L8M3N6P1
  • X9Y2Z5A8B3C6D1E4
  • V6W1X4Y7Z2A5B8C3

Free Fire redeem codes for the Indian server

  • F8J6K9L2R5T7X0Z3
  • B1N4Q7U0G9J2M5P8
  • S4V7Y0B3E6N5Q8T1
  • W2Z5C8F10S3V36Y9
  • A3D6G938S1V4Y7B0
  • E2H5K8N1Q4Z3C6F9
  • J1M4P7S0V3Y2H5K8
  • N0Q3T6W9Z8J1M4P7
  • R6U9Y2B5E8N7Q0T3
  • V5Y8B1E4H7Q6T9W2
  • Z4C7F0J3M6V5Y8B1
  • D3G6J9MV13Y4B7E0
  • H2K5N82Q1TC3F6J9
  • L1O42R7U09H2K5N8
  • P02S32E5H8K1M4R7
  • T9W2Z5C8F17PS3V6
  • X6A9D22G5J87V0Y3
  • Z3C6F9I8R1U4X7A0
  • C2F5I8L21O4RA6D9
  • E1H224K7N0Z2C5F8
  • G0J3M6P9S2B1E4H7
  • I9L2O5R8U1X4A3J6
  • K8N1Q4T7C6F9I2L5
  • M7P0S3V6Y9B8K1N4
  • O6R9U2X5A84J70P3
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Free Fire redeem codes for European server

  • FFP4Q9R2S5T8U3V6
  • FFH5J8K1L4M7N3P6
  • FFA3B6C9D2E5F8G1
  • FFW4X9Y2Z5A8B3C6
  • FFK3L6M9N1P4Q7R2
  • FFU8V1W4X7Y2Z5A3
  • FFG4H7J9K2L5M8N1
  • FFE6F1G4H9J2K5L8
  • FFB3C6D9E2F5G1H4
  • FFT7U2V5W8X1Y4Z6
  • FFN3P6Q9R1S4T7U2
  • FFR5S8T1U4V7W2X5
  • FFD2E5F8G1H4JK9L
  • FFQ6R9S2T5U8V3W6
  • FFV1W4X7Y2Z5A8B3
  • FFM7N1P4Q9R2S5T8
  • FFX3Y6Z9A1B4C7D2
  • FL8M1N4P7Q9FR2S5
  • FF9G2H5J8K1FL4M7
  • FC6D9E2F5G1FH4J7
  • FS8T1U4V7WF2X5Y8
  • FYF2Z5A8B3C6D9E2
  • FFJ7K9L2M5N8P1Q4
  • FZ5A8B3C6D9CE2F5
  • FI1J4K7L9MC2N5O8

Free Fire redeem codes for – Indonesian server

  • FFT8W1Z4C7F0J3M6
  • FFY4B7E0H3K6N9Q2
  • FFW8Z0C3F6I9L2O5
  • FFU1X4A7D0G3J6M9
  • FFS5V8Y1B4E7H0K3
  • FFQ9T2W5Z8C1F4I7
  • FFO5R8U1X4A7D0G3
  • FFM9P2S5V8Y1B4E7
  • FFK3N6Q9T2W5Z8C1
  • F4I7L0O3R6U9X2A5
  • FFG1J4M7P0S3V6Y9
  • FFE5H8K1N4Q7T0W3
  • F6C9F2I5L8O1R4U7
  • F2A5D8G1J4M7P0S3
  • F6Y9B2E5H8K1N4Q7
  • F0W3Z6C9F2I5L8O1
  • F4U7X0A3D6G9J2M5
  • F6FFS1VY7B0EH6K9
  • FFQ5T8W1Z4C7F0J3
  • M6P9S2V5Y8B1E4H7
  • FFN3Q6T9W2Z5C8F1
  • FFM7P0S3V6Y9B2E5
  • FFK1N4Q7T0W3Z6C9
  • FFI3L6O9R2U5X8A1
  • FFG9J2M5P8S1V4Y7

Active Free Fire Redeem Codes

Free Fire redeem codes for – European server

  • X3Y6Z9A1BC4C47D2
  • E5F8G1H4C4J7K9L2
  • T7U2V5W4C8X1Y4Z6
  • N3P6Q9RCX1S4T7U2
  • V1W4X74XY2Z5A8B3
  • H5J8KX1L4M7N39P6
  • B3C6DX9E2F5G91H4
  • K3L6MX9N1P94Q7R2
  • C6D9EX92F5G1H4J7
  • S8T1UXZ4V7W2X5Y8
  • Q6R9SZ2T57U8V3W6
  • L8M1ZN47P7Q9R2S5
  • R5S8T177U4V7W2X5
  • J7K9ZGL2M5N8P1Q4
  • D2E5GF78G1H4J7K9
  • F9G22HG5J8K1L4M7
  • W4X7YGR2Z5A8B3C6
  • U8V1W2RR4X7Y2Z5A
  • Z5A8RB23C6D9E2F5
  • G4H7RRJ9K2L5M8N1
  • M7N1PRR4Q9R2S5T8
  • A3B6RRC9D2E5F8G1
  • Y2Z5ARR8B3C6D9E2
  • P4QQW9R2S5T8U3V6
  • I1J4KRR7L9M2N5O8
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Free Fire redeem codes for – the Middle East server

  • Z5C8F1J4M7P0S3V6
  • E5H8K1N4Q7T0W3Z6
  • I8L1O4R7U0X3A6D9
  • M1P4S7V0Y3B6E9H2
  • Q4T7W0Z3C6F9I2L5
  • U7X0A3D6G9J2M5P8
  • Y0B3E6H9K2N5Q8T1
  • C6F9I2L5O8R1U4X7
  • G9J2M5P8S1V4Y7B0
  • K2N5Q8T1W4Z7C0F3
  • O5R8U1X4A7D0G3J6
  • S8V1Y4B7E0H3K6N9
  • W1Z4C7F0J3M6P9S2
  • Z4C7F0J3M6P9S2V5
  • E7H0K3N6Q9T2W5Z8
  • I0L3O6R9U2X5A8D1
  • M3P6S9V2Y5B8E1H4
  • Q6T9W2Z5C8F1J4M7
  • U9X2A5D8G1J4M7P0
  • Y2B5E8H1K4N7Q0T3
  • C5F8I1L4O7R0T3W6
  • G8J1M4P7S0V3Y6B9
  • K1N4Q7T0W3Z6C9F2
  • O4R7U0X3A6D9G2J5
  • S7V0Y3B6E9H2K5N8
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A Step-by-Step Guide to Redeeming Free Fire Codes

If you’re eager to claim enticing rewards in Garena Free Fire and are seeking instructions on how to redeem the codes, you’ve come to the right place. There’s no need to fret if you’re uncertain about the procedure; we’ve got you covered. Simply adhere to these straightforward steps to unlock the secret treasures hidden within these codes:

  1. Navigate to the Free Fire rewards redemption website at
  2. Sign in to your Garena Free Fire account.
  3. Enter the redemption code.
  4. Click on the Redeem button.

By adhering to these instructions, you can effortlessly redeem Free Fire codes and relish your rewards.

Free Fire Redeem codes
Free Fire Redeem codes (Image via Garena)
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Emma Vossen Emma, an expert in Roblox and a writer for INN News Codes, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Media, specializing in advertising. Her experience includes working with several startups and an advertising agency. To reach out, drop an email to Emma at [email protected].