The Foundation “La Caixa” He has awarded 100 new doctoral scholarships and postdoctoral for excellent researchers to carry out their projects at universities and research centers in Spain and Portugal. With the Ampphinit doctoral scholarships and those of Postdoctorate Junior Leader, the “La Caixa” Foundation pursues the double objective of retaining and attracting talent to boost excellence research in these countries.
These scholarships not only offer competitive wages, but also include A solid transverse training program. In the case of doctoral, aspects such as scientific communication, emotional well -being of researchers, leadership and financing opportunities are reinforced. On the other hand, postdoctoral scholarships are designed to boost an independent scientific career, promoting innovation and leadership as fundamental pillars for professional development.
«These scholarships are a first level opportunity for researchers who have obtained themor, but also for society as a whole. Because with the support of their investigations we bet on disciplines that reverse in the welfare of citizenship and for the construction of a better future for all, ”explained the general director of the“ La Caixa Foundation ”, Josep Maria Coronas, during the act of delivery of the scholarships in the Cosmocaixa Science Museum, in Barcelona.
The scholarship program of the “La Caixa” Foundation It is one of the most important among those promoted by private entities in Spain and Europe, both for the amount of granted aids and by the diversity of disciplines they cover. In total, the entity will allocate more than 21 million euros to this promotion of doctoral fellows and postdoctoral fellows. Both programs have been co-financed by the European Commission through the actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofund, in the context of the Marco Horizon 2020 program.
1.- Inphinit scholarships
Total scholarship: 161,200 euros
Duration: 4 years
Applications received: 1,502
Scholarships granted: 60
Study fields: all disciplines
2.- Junior Leader Scholarship
Total scholarship: 305,100 euros
Duration: 3 years
Received requests: 597
Scholarships granted: 40
Study fields: Health and Life Sciences, Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering and Mathematics
The fellows
Of the 100 fellows selected in this edition, 53 are Spanish and 47 are foreigners, from 19 countries. Of these, the country with the highest number of fellows is Italy with 15, followed by Portugal with 8 and Germany with 4.
The granted scholarships have been distributed among about 60 research centers and universities in Spain and Portugal. Regarding the specialties, molecular biology and biochemistry lead the list with 12 fellows, followed by theoretical physics and mathematics with 6 fellows, mathematical and computational biology with 5 fellows and cell biology with 4 fellows.