On August 8, 2024, tensions soared in Lavanya’s household. The drama began when Janvi declared to Lavanya that she was in love with Chirag and had no intentions of marrying Prithvi. Lavanya, trying to keep the peace, told Janvi that Chirag prioritized his brother’s happiness. Janvi stood her ground, asserting her right to choose her own partner. Lavanya relayed Janvi’s words to Chirag, leaving him speechless.
During a heated exchange, Lavanya accused Janvi of publicly rejecting her son, putting the blame squarely on Janvi. Prithvi, stepping in, defended Janvi, saying she had been upfront about her feelings. He blamed Chirag, calling himself a perpetual reject and began to self-harm. This, however, turned out to be a figment of Chirag’s imagination. Chirag then received a call from the hospital, interrupting the escalating drama.
As the Tilak ceremony began, Deepika arrived, causing a minor accident by colliding with a flower vase. Chirag quickly helped her, followed by her father. Lavanya checked on the situation while Sobha criticized her husband for his concern over Deepika. Manorama, trying to manage the situation, warned Sobha about potential exposure if Deepika spoke up. She took charge of Deepika while Sobha’s husband returned to the rituals. Chirag, concerned for Deepika’s well-being, scolded Sobha and Manorama for mistreating her, revealing to Deepika’s father that she was often treated as a maid.
The situation escalated when Yash, Lavanya’s husband, admitted in front of everyone that Deepika was his elder daughter, shocking Chirag and Lavanya. Lavanya, confused, questioned Sobha and Janvi. Yash confirmed Deepika’s status and demanded to know who labeled her a maid. Sobha, attempting to placate Lavanya, confessed she lied to avoid Lavanya’s anger. Lavanya, incensed, decided to cancel the wedding. Despite Deepika’s pleas and attempts by Payal and others to convince her, Lavanya remained adamant.
Janvi, seeing the chaos, entrusted Deepika with the responsibility of resolving the situation. Sobha, desperate, begged Lavanya for mercy. Lavanya assured Prithvi she would find him a suitable bride and reminded Sobha of their class differences, belittling her. Sobha, in a final act of desperation, promised to remove Deepika from their lives. Yash, however, refused to let Deepika leave, stating she was vital to Janvi’s future.
In the precap, Deepika is seen pleading with Chirag to convince his mother to reconsider. Chirag, torn between his mother and his love, faces the daunting task of resolving the conflict and ensuring the wedding proceeds as planned.