In the latest developments from the popular show Dil Ko Tumse Pyaar Hua, the episode that aired on August 12th, 2024, brought intense emotions and unexpected turns. The story began with Chirag confronting Deepika, questioning her about her involvement in the deceit spun by her mother and sister. Deepika, with a calm demeanor, explained that she has accepted them as her family, regardless of their actions.
Meanwhile, Yash, after learning from Pandit ji about Deepika’s generous act of spending all her money on an elderly woman, decided to bring in a saree dealer. He urged Deepika to choose a saree, despite her hesitation. However, her father insisted, putting her in a difficult spot. Janvi, on the other hand, expressed concern, advising her father to think carefully before making decisions. She feared that if the potential groom rejected Deepika, it would lead to wasted resources. Yash, irritated by Janvi’s comments, firmly told her not to speak ill of Deepika, but the tension only escalated as Sobha supported Janvi and started arguing with Yash. In a fit of rage, Yash almost slapped Sobha, but he was stopped just in time. Sobha, in her anger, cursed Deepika, predicting that she would never find happiness after marriage.
Amidst all this, Chirag couldn’t stop thinking about Deepika. Yash noticed Deepika talking to a photograph of her late mother. Deepika expressed her wish to take her mother’s photo with her, to which Yash responded by admitting that he hadn’t done much for her. He was deeply troubled by Sobha’s curse but Deepika reassured him, saying that the curse didn’t hurt her.
Later, Chirag encountered an elderly man who thanked him for curing his wife. The man gave Chirag some sweets, suggesting that he share them with his family. As Chirag was about to leave, he received a call from Lavanya, asking him to come for lunch since Janvi, Sobha, and her nani were coming over to discuss the marriage. Lavanya seemed stressed because even Payal was absent, leaving her to handle everything alone. Chirag, though reluctant, agreed to join them.
In another part of town, Manorama and Sobha were discussing their concerns. Sobha was unhappy with how Yash always upset her daughter, and she resented Deepika for the obstacles she believed Deepika placed in Janvi’s path. She expressed her desire not to see Deepika happy in her married life. Manorama, attempting to console her, assured that Birju would make Deepika’s life difficult. Their conversation was interrupted by a call from Birju himself, who expressed his wish to meet Deepika before the marriage. Manorama advised him against it, but Sobha feared that Birju might ruin their plan. Despite Manorama’s assurances, Birju was determined to meet Deepika that day.
Chirag, meanwhile, was struggling with his own emotions. He entered a chamber and found a photo frame of himself and Janvi. In a fit of anger, he shattered the frame and threw it into the dustbin. Overcome with rage, he called Janvi, but to his dismay, Prithvi answered instead. Chirag, barely controlling his anger, made up an excuse, pretending that he was trying to reach Prithvi all along. He informed Prithvi about the upcoming lunch with Janvi’s family, which left Prithvi excited about her visit.
As the day progressed, Chirag found himself getting increasingly angry whenever he thought of Janvi. However, thoughts of Deepika seemed to soothe him. At one point, he even spotted Deepika on the road and couldn’t resist following her, unable to focus on anything else.
Back with Sobha, Janvi was initially reluctant to join her and Manorama for the lunch with Lavanya, but eventually decided to go along. As Janvi, Sobha, and Manorama left to meet Lavanya, Deepika was left alone in a shop. It was then that Birju, true to his word, arrived at the shop, setting the stage for yet another dramatic turn in the story.
The episode closed on this suspenseful note, leaving viewers eagerly awaiting the next chapter in Deepika and Chirag’s unfolding tale. The tension between the families, the unresolved emotions, and the looming shadow of Birju’s intentions promise to bring even more drama to the screen. As Deepika continues to navigate the challenges thrown her way, her strength and resolve are sure to be tested further in the coming episodes.