Sunday, September 29, 2024

Celebrate World News Day

Every September 28th the World Day of News, with the aim of highlighting the importance of journalism in society.

Likewise, this anniversary seeks not only to celebrate the news, but also to raise awareness about the importance of supporting the freelance journalistic work and quality.

Likewise, this date is intended to serve as a reminder of the need for a coverage journalistic responsiblehighlighting the media’s efforts to adapt to technological changes, creating trusted digital platforms and exploring new ways of telling stories.

The commemoration arose as a response to the increase in disinformationthe decrease in trust in traditional media and the proliferation of fake news that has generated the need to reaffirm the value of a journalism responsible and ethical.

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To commemorate this occasion, the World Editors Forum (WEF) and the World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), bring together media organizations and journalists from around the world to recognize the crucial role that news plays in promoting democracy, freedom of expression and access to truthful and timely information.

Among the objectives of this celebration are: to promote the freedom of presscombat the disinformationencourage trust in the media and support the sustainability of the journalism.


according to the book “Keys to the history of journalism” from the author Concha Langa Nuño, the demand for news and information is behind the invention of the printing press, “at a time when the multiplication of texts became essential.”

The first journalistic model of the history It emerged at the beginning of the 17th century called Las Gacetas and spread throughout the world. In Basel: 1610; Frankfort, 1615; Berlin, 1617; Paris, 1631; Rome, 1640; and Madrid, 1661.

By the 17th century, the news revealed by the press They were limited to court circles while, in the 18th century, they reached bourgeois and even more popular sectors.

Journalist passionate about poems and good debates. Winner of the IV edition of the “European Union-Dominican Republic” journalistic contest.

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Melvin Smith is a seasoned news reporter with a reputation for delivering accurate and timely news coverage. His journalistic expertise spans various topics, offering clear and insightful reporting on current events and breaking stories.

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