Monday, September 30, 2024

Audretsch in the ntv early start: Green campaign leader wants “more clarity and more toughness”

Audretsch in the ntv early start
Green campaign leader wants “more clarity and more toughness”

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Andreas Audretsch is pleased about the Green Party’s personnel reorganization and announces that his party is also “completely reorganizing” its content. There should also be a new look and feel.

The Greens have been in crisis for a long time, but the failures in the eastern state elections hit them harder than expected. The slap was the decisive factor in the resignation of the party executive. The party is repositioning itself. Also involved: Deputy parliamentary group leader Andreas Audretsch is supposed to manage the 2025 federal election campaign. “We want to shape the future with clarity, with toughness, but also with great joy,” said Audretsch on the ntv program Frühstart about a new “appearance” of the Greens.

“I’m pleased about the personnel reorganization,” said Audretsch. He welcomed the candidacies of Felix Banacak and Franziska Brantner, who are running to succeed Omid Nouripour and Ricarda Land. “I’m happy that they’re competing,” said Audretsch. “We are completely repositioning ourselves in terms of content.”

Audretsch should strengthen the profile of the Greens. The issue of justice is important to him, said Audretsch on ntv. Many people suffered from rising rents while real estate speculators benefited from tax exemptions. The designated Green campaign leader called for profits from real estate sales to be taxed. The money should be put into more social work and more teachers.

Migration is also “a very, very important issue” for Audretsch. However, he doesn’t want to talk about stricter measures, but rather “that migration makes our country richer and that we urgently need more skilled workers.” The Greens need to bring more positive ideas into the future and “awaken enthusiasm for climate protection.”

Audretsch also sees the reorganization of the Green Party leadership as a response to the AfD’s growing electoral successes. He called for greater severity against disinformation campaigns, which were also controlled from the Kremlin.

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Melvin Smith is a seasoned news reporter with a reputation for delivering accurate and timely news coverage. His journalistic expertise spans various topics, offering clear and insightful reporting on current events and breaking stories.

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