On August 5, 2024, the episode of “Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai” unfolds with a mix of drama and surprise. The scene opens with Rohit questioning how they will participate in the Mangla Gauri veneration. Krish mentions that Arman has a plan. Anuradha inquires of Kaveri if Abhira is set to marry Arman. Kaveri replies that nothing is confirmed yet. Manisha encourages Abhira to pray sincerely and wishes for her marriage to Arman. In a playful exchange, Arman requests Madhav to wear a lehenga, but Madhav jokes about it. Sanjay, initially refusing, decides to call Kajal for support, while Krish persuades Sanjay to join their plan.
As the rituals progress, Abhira, Kaveri, Vidya, and others engage in a game. Arman makes a playful remark about Madhav and Krish’s height. Abhira emerges victorious in the balance game, earning Anuradha’s praise, who compares Abhira’s youthfulness to Kaveri’s. Despite being asked to stay, Abhira is reluctant but her friends convince her otherwise.
In a twist, Arman, Madhav, Manoj, Sanjay, and Rohit enter the veneration disguised as women. Abhira, suspicious of Arman, teases him to uncover the truth. Her plan works as Arman and his friends are exposed. Kaveri questions Arman’s actions, to which he humorously responds that they were missing their wives, and Madhav adds that Arman missed Abhira too. The situation amuses Abhira as she sees Arman dressed as a lady. Despite Arman’s request to change, Abhira playfully insists he remains in the lehenga a bit longer, much to Arman’s annoyance.
Madhav explains to Vidya that they brought Rohit along to keep him entertained. Vidya shifts the conversation to Ruhi. Anuradha prompts the ladies to read poems for their partners. Vidya reads for Madhav, followed by performances from Manisha and Kajal. When Abhira’s friends urge her to recite something for Arman, she declines, claiming she is not a poet. Arman feels disheartened by her refusal but is soon cheered up as Abhira impresses him, leading them to share a dance.
Madhav advises Kaveri to accept Abhira, warning that failing to do so might lead to Arman distancing himself from the family. Despite his plea, Kaveri refuses to accept Abhira, doubting her courage. Vidya supports Abhira, asserting she is perfect for Arman. Kaveri contemplates the situation, while Ruhi interrupts the dance, leaving Abhira stunned by her return. Sanjay, observing the events, hopes the differences between Arman and Rohit continue for his gain.
The episode ends with Ruhi deciding to give Rohit another chance, but Abhira remains skeptical of Ruhi’s intentions, suspecting a larger scheme at play.