On August 21st, 2024, the Rajput family sat together for a meal when a surprising piece of news broke out. Gaurav shared with Raghav that the media was buzzing with allegations against Yuvraj Thakur. The news claimed that Yuvraj had molested a girl, a serious accusation that left the family in shock. Raghav wondered how this information had been leaked to the press. Sadhika, a member of the Rajput family, voiced her suspicion that someone from within their own family might have been responsible for leaking the news. This comment stirred tension at the table. Gaurav’s wife immediately questioned why Sadhika seemed to be pointing fingers at her husband. Nandita, another family member, quickly stepped in, suggesting that Sadhika should have chosen her words more carefully.
The atmosphere was already tense, but things escalated when Nandita reminded everyone that Kavya and Aman’s engagement was just a few days away, yet chaos seemed to surround them. At this point, Aman made a bold statement. He told Nandita and Raghav that he didn’t want to marry Kavya. Raghav, in a firm tone, insisted that Aman must go through with the marriage, making it clear that the decision was final. Despite this, Aman remained steadfast in his refusal.
Vaibhav, another family member, questioned Aman’s reluctance. He pointed out that Kavya was both well-educated and beautiful, qualities that should make her an ideal match. Gini, a young woman present at the table, couldn’t help but interject. She sarcastically remarked that if beauty and education were the only criteria for becoming the family’s daughter-in-law, then Nandita should have accepted her a long time ago. This comment didn’t sit well with Nandita, who responded harshly. She criticized Gini, implying that she lacked etiquette and basic manners, attributing these shortcomings to Gini’s upbringing in a slum. To further humiliate her, Nandita asked Gini to name the salad on the table. Gini, unable to answer, remained silent. Gaurav, sensing the tension, provided the answer for her, but Nandita wasn’t done. She insisted that Gaurav teach Gini proper manners and etiquette, hinting that only then would Gini be considered worthy of becoming the family’s daughter-in-law.
Feeling humiliated, Gini complained to Raghav about Nandita’s refusal to accept her as a part of the family. Raghav, tired of the ongoing bickering, asked everyone to drop the subject.
Meanwhile, Mehek, another member of the household, had her own concerns. She questioned Padma about why Yuvraj had been in the kitchen the previous night. Padma tried to explain that he had only come to get a drink of water, but Nandita found this suspicious. After all, everything Yuvraj could need was already available at the party. Padma found herself in a difficult position, torn between telling the truth and keeping quiet.
As the drama within the household continued to unfold, a surprising twist came from an unexpected source. Anjali Awasthi, an advocate, called Raghav and dropped a bombshell. She confessed that she was the one who had leaked the news about Yuvraj to the media. But Anjali didn’t stop there. She openly challenged Raghav, declaring that she intended to defeat him in court. This declaration left Raghav furious, his anger only intensified by Anjali’s confident tone. Before he could respond, Anjali ended the call, leaving Raghav to simmer in his anger.
The episode ended on a tense note, with a preview showing Yuvraj and his friends chasing Padma, who then ran into Anjali. The situation was quickly spiraling out of control, with emotions running high and family loyalties being tested.
This incident highlighted the deep-rooted tensions within the Rajput family, where secrets, power struggles, and personal conflicts threatened to tear them apart. As the story unfolded, it became clear that the upcoming engagement between Kavya and Aman was not just a simple family affair but a battleground where each character’s true nature was being revealed. Anjali’s bold move to leak the news to the press added fuel to the fire, setting the stage for an intense legal battle that promised to bring more drama and conflict to the already strained relationships within the family.
The events of August 21st, 2024, marked a turning point in the lives of the Rajput family. The fallout from Yuvraj’s scandal, coupled with the internal conflicts and power plays, created a volatile situation that could have far-reaching consequences for everyone involved. As the family grappled with the crisis, the question remained: who would come out on top, and at what cost.
Episode ends.