“I would like to thank Japan for the leading role in the global debate on nuclear disarmament. A position that has its roots in the shocking experience of atomic devastation. It is no coincidence that during the Japanese presidency of the G7 the world leaders adopted the View of Hiroshima on nuclear disarmamentfirmly reaffirming the hope of a world free from these threats. Italy embraces this path with conviction and renews its commitment in the full realization of theArticle VI of the non -proliferation treaty. Rome recognizes the urgency of a shared action that necessarily involves all nuclear powers “. The President of the Republic said so, Sergio Mattarellameeting the survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
“The contribution to the international affair that Japan and Italy have offered and continue to offer is all the more precious when we assist domain drives that revolve around concepts of power and logic of division In which the peoples of others become objects, “continued Mattarella. “Memory is resistance against ignorance. It is education for peace, human dignity, awareness of the fragility of our existence. Your teaching is a message of hope. Hope in a humanity capable of learning from one’s mistakes, of building a world in which no one should experience what you have experienced anymore. You have fought for a better world. It’s up to all of us to continue. Thank you for choosing to transform the pain into a warning, the suffering into hope, the tragedy into commitment “he continued.

Sergio Mattarella on peace negotiations (Rainews24)
“The Italian Republic firmly condemns these dangerous drifts”, referring to Moscow’s bellicistic rhetoric. “It is necessary to reiterate, with unequivocal determination, that a nuclear war cannot be won by anyone and must never be fought,” he warned. “The nuclear powers, especially those that sit as permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, cannot exempt themselves from respecting the obligations that have contributed to defining“He said, underlining that” the strategic dialogue has, so far, avoided a new nuclear holocaust: it must be prevented that the logic of the clash will lead to take forgiveness forgiveness only of unspeakable suffering, mourning and destruction “. Pyongyang “must immediately abandon his atomic and missile program” underlined the president. “In this area of the world that has suffered thus the attitude of North Korea appears unforgivable“.
“It is not imaginable to be, today, co -responsible for a return to criteria of imperialistic clashes that contradict the tiring path taken by humanity in the last eighties. Together we are called to support our civilizations and the systems that have allowed them to recover and grow “has insisted Mattarella.