On August 13, 2024, the popular TV show Anupama delivered another episode filled with emotional twists and turns. The day began with Bala trying to wake up Sagar. He playfully teased him, but soon noticed that Sagar was not feeling well. Despite not being in good health, Sagar insisted on going to work. He had made a promise to a customer that he felt compelled to keep. Bala, concerned for his friend, urged him to rest, but Sagar was determined. Anupama, who was also worried about Sagar, suggested that he take some time off and offered to drive the auto in his place. Sagar was surprised by her offer, but it was clear that Anupama was serious about helping.
Meanwhile, Meenu was also thinking about Sagar and felt bad for him. As a doctor, she believed it was her duty to check on him. She shared her concerns with Kinjal, who could see how much Meenu cared about Sagar. When Meenu expressed a desire to see Sagar, Kinjal agreed to help her. However, their conversation was interrupted by Vanraj, who had his own plans for the day.
Anupama, true to her word, decided to drive the auto. Sagar, Nandita, and Bala were all surprised to see her behind the wheel. It was an unusual sight, but Anupama was determined. As she practiced driving, her thoughts drifted to Anuj, who was equally shocked when he saw her driving. The sight of Anupama in the driver’s seat brought back memories of their past. It was a moment filled with nostalgia and a hint of sadness.
Vanraj, on the other hand, was busy with his own concerns. He planned to take Meenu to the hospital, but she was reluctant to go. Instead, she made an excuse to avoid the visit. Meenu was more interested in meeting Sagar, and when Kinjal mentioned this, Pakhi began to have doubts. She suspected that something was going on between Meenu and Kinjal and decided to follow them.
As Anupama continued to drive, she prayed for Adya and Anuj to be reunited. Bala and Nandita, who were in the auto with her, asked her to drive slowly. They were clearly nervous, but Anupama assured them that everything would be fine. Anuj, who had been watching Anupama, decided to step in and help. He took over the driving, much to Anupama’s relief. However, when Vanraj saw Anuj driving the auto, he became angry. He accused Anupama of ruining Anuj’s life and blamed her for everything that had gone wrong. Anuj, however, stood up for Anupama. He insisted that she was not at fault and refused to let Vanraj’s words get to him. Vanraj, still fuming, claimed that Anupama’s ego would eventually lead to her downfall.
Meanwhile, Meenu and Kinjal managed to convince Leela to let them go see Sagar. However, Pakhi was not convinced by their story and decided to follow them. As Anuj and Anupama continued their journey, they suddenly spotted Adya on the road. Anuj, not wanting to lose sight of her, began to chase after her. This made Anupama worry, but she knew how important it was for Anuj to find Adya. At the same time, Pakhi continued to spy on Kinjal and Meenu. She noticed that they were acting strangely and decided to confront them. When Pakhi asked why they weren’t shopping as they had planned, Kinjal and Meenu became irritated. They were clearly annoyed by Pakhi’s constant questioning.
As the episode neared its end, Anuj thanked Anupama for believing in him. Their bond seemed stronger than ever as they resolved to find out more about Adya. It was clear that their journey was far from over, and they would continue to face challenges together.
The episode ended on a cliffhanger, leaving viewers eager to find out what would happen next. In the precap, it was revealed that Anuj and Anupama would visit a temple, where they would feel Adya’s presence. However, things took a surprising turn when someone called Adya by the name Priya, leaving Anuj and Anupama in shock.
The drama continues to build in Anupama, with each episode bringing new revelations and emotions to the forefront. As the story unfolds, the characters are faced with difficult decisions and unexpected twists, keeping the audience hooked with every moment.