On August 4, 2024, the story of “Maati Se Bandhi Dor” took a dramatic turn. The episode began with Rannvijay graciously accepting gifts from Aaji for his family. Vaiju expressed her gratitude to Rannvijay for his kindness and understanding, especially regarding her Aadhaar card issue. Rannvijay admitted that, although he might have been rude to her at times, he never wished ill upon her. They both were happy to part on good terms.
The Sarpanch informed Rannvijay that Jaktab had been apprehended by the police. The villagers, grateful for Rannvijay’s help, sought his forgiveness for having supported the wrong person. They also gifted him a customized T-shirt for the upcoming Dahi Handi competition. After some persuasion, Rannvijay agreed to participate.
Meanwhile, Jaktab, while being transported by the police, managed to escape. He unlocked himself while a constable was distracted by a tree branch on the road.
Back in the village, Jaya and Vasundhara were busy decorating a swing for Lord Krishna in preparation for Janmashtami. Vasundhara mentioned that after marriage, couples should perform puja together. Sulekha pointed out that Rannvijay had been too busy and had left Jaya alone just two days after their wedding. Jaya defended her husband, saying that, like Lord Krishna, he was always present in spirit, even if not physically.
Vaiju, decorating the swing, was reminded by Aaji that it was her first Janmashtami after marriage. Rannvijay and Kailash arrived with an idol of Lord Krishna, and together with Vaiju, they placed it on the swing. Jaya, seeing Rannvijay’s photo on her phone, also placed an idol on her swing. Aaji asked Rannvijay and Vaiju to perform the puja together while Jaya did the same alone.
The Dahi Handi competition was a significant event in Jhumri Patan. Rannvijay, wearing his customized T-shirt, was ready to participate. The Sarpanch asked if he would break the handi, to which Rannvijay confidently replied. However, Vaiju, known for breaking the handi every year, challenged him. Rannvijay accepted the challenge, determined to win.
As the competition began, it started to rain. Rannvijay and Vaiju climbed their respective sides of the structure. Jaktab, with a hidden face, pointed a gun at Rannvijay. Vaiju, noticing the threat, bravely shielded Rannvijay, taking the bullet herself. The Sarpanch quickly called for an ambulance. Vaiju, injured, urged Rannvijay to return to his village. Despite his concern for her, Rannvijay tried to remain composed. Jaya, unaware of the situation, called Rannvijay to ask about dinner, while Rannvijay carried the injured Vaiju in his arms.
Ragini assured that as long as Vaiju was there, nothing would happen to Rannvijay. However, Jaya sensed something was wrong. The episode ended with Rannvijay in a panic as Vaiju lost consciousness.
In the precap, Vaiju’s condition in the ambulance seemed critical, with her pulse dropping. Rannvijay was seen crying, pleading with Vaiju not to leave him.
This episode of “Maati Se Bandhi Dor” was filled with emotional highs and lows, depicting the strong bonds of love, bravery, and sacrifice.