PlayStation Reveals Detailed Information for Foamstars Season 3

Foamstars Season 3
Foamstars Season 3 [Screenshot via PlayStation Youtube channel]

PlayStation has released more detailed information about the upcoming Foamstars Season 3, titled “Mysterious Swing.” The new season is set to begin on April 12.

New Character: Chloe Noir

“Mysterious Swing” will introduce a new character, Chloe Noir. Chloe Noir is a Foamstar who combines a charge rifle that can shoot straight foam shots with skills to hunt down opponents using her bubble beastie, Ciel. Players can unlock Chloe Noir for free by progressing the Season Pass to Tier 31.

Season Pass Introduction

The Mysterious Swing Season Pass will allow players to earn XP via online matches, completing missions, or clearing challenges to progress through the Season Pass tiers and unlock skins, items, and more. By purchasing the paid Premium Pass, players can unlock even more rewards.

New Feature: Skill Gems

A new feature, Skill Gems, will be introduced in Mysterious Swing. Skill Gems will serve as a fourth slot of bubble gems, which are used to strengthen your Foamstars. The effects of Skill Gems will differ among the Foamstars, allowing players to enhance each Foamstar’s skills and Superstar skill.

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Ranked Party and Extreme Party

Mysterious Swing will also feature both the solo-based Ranked Party Lonestar and the team-based Ranked Party Tribe-Vibe as limited-time events. The new season will also feature two types of Extreme Parties and hold each event twice during the season.

Free In-Game Items

Throughout the season, PlayStation will be providing items that are unlockable for free in the in-game shop’s Events section. The items will be updated each weekend.

With all these exciting features and events, Foamstars Season 3 is shaping up to be the most thrilling season yet. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to the launch date.

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Meagan Marie Meagan Marie, a scribe of the virtual realm, Crafting narratives from pixels, her words overwhelm. In the world of gaming, she’s the news beacon’s helm. To reach out, drop an email to Meagan at