The people in Saxony have to prepare for changeable and rainy weather in the next few days. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), thunderstorms cannot be ruled out for the north of the Free State. It is expected to remain partly cloudy to partly cloudy throughout the day. There will be a lot of showers, especially in the north of the Free State, and local thunderstorms are also possible. The temperatures are between 15 and 19 degrees, slightly cooler in the mountains with maximum temperatures of up to 15 degrees.

On Wednesday night it will rain, especially in the south. The temperatures drop to a cool 6 degrees. According to the DWD, it will remain rainy over the course of Wednesday with an autumnal 12 to 14 degrees. The precipitation will ease slightly on Thursday night, but will continue as drizzle during the day. The temperature remains unchanged compared to the previous day.

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