Monday, October 7, 2024

Wave of resignations from the Greens: Some of the board of the Saxony-Anhalt Green Youth are leaving

As in several other federal states, a large part of the board of the Green Youth in Saxony-Anhalt declared his resignation and departure from the party. The party’s state executive board was in discussions with many members of the Green Youth who said they wanted to stay, said the party’s co-chairwoman, Madeleine Linke, when asked.

A new board of the youth organization should be elected in the next two to six weeks. About 80 percent of the board members have resigned, said Linke. The “Magdeburger Volksstimme” first reported. The step had already been taken before the Federal Executive Board of the Green Youth left.

Last week he announced that he was leaving the party. The reason given was different content and strategic ideas about politics. The ten board members announced that they wanted to found a new, decidedly left-wing youth association. Board members of the Green Youth also declared their resignation from the party in other federal states, for example in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Rhineland-Palatinate.

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