The salary of citizens spanish It has not risen in the same proportion as the cost of daily living and this is a situation that is getting many citizens into trouble, who have to do engineering exercises to make ends meet. In recent times different institutions have conducted several studies classifying people by class based on their current salary. This is what you have to charge in Spain in 2024 to belong to the upper class.
Lower class, middle class and upper class. Throughout history, people have been structured into different ranks depending on their economic level and due to the increase in the cost of daily living in recent years, many people have been lowering their levels. Because even though Pedro Sanchez say that the Spanish economy is going like a rocket, the truth is that the situation of many Spaniards is increasingly precarious due to the permanent inflation that exists in Spain today.
The latest CPI numbers show notable numbers of 1.7% in the last month but the truth is that some prices of products on the shopping list are already high by the day and this is a hindrance for many families. The greatest example of this is the high price of olive oil, which has gone from around three euros to more than 10, a disproportionate increase that makes this basic good out of reach for many people in our country.
The money you have to have to be upper class
As published Forbes At the time, after doing the corresponding study, the amount you have to earn in Spain to be considered ‘rich’ is 3,673 euros per month. Something that is more or less in line with the report published at the time by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)which classified the citizens of Spain based on their monthly income.
In this way, for OECD People who are in the lower class are those who earn less than 11,395 euros per year, which is an amount of less than 1,343 euros per month. It must be taken into account that the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI) in Spain in 2024 is 15,876 euros gross per year distributed in 14 payments of 1,134 euros.
Always according to this study, citizens who belong to the middle class are those who earn between 1,343 and 3,581 euros per month. This group would bring together the majority of employees who are registered in the Social security. As for the upper class, people who earn more than 3,581 euros per month would be grouped together, data similar to those published by Forbes magazine.
The average salary in Spain
He National Statistics Institutethrough a Salary Structure Survey (EES)carried out a report on salaries in Spain corresponding to 2022. In this way, it has established that the average annual salary in Spain in that year was 26,948.87 euros, which is 4.1% more than in the same period from the previous year. Regarding the division by gender, the average salary of men (29,381.84 euros) was higher than that of women (24,359.82 euros).
He National Statistics Institute It also makes another classification when it comes to salaries. The INE makes it clear that the moral salary, which is the most common in Spain, was 14,586.44 euros with 4.2% of employees closely following the range of 16,495.84 euros (4.2% ) and 18,494.32 (4.1%). It must be taken into account that the increase in the SMI makes this line of income the most popular among workers who are registered in the Social security.
These numbers make it clear that in Spain hundreds of thousands of families are close to a situation of vulnerability, which is why Eurostat has made it clear in different reports that our country is on the podium, along with Romania and Bulgaria, of the countries in the European Union with more people at risk of poverty. Therefore, despite the fact that the Sánchez Government says that the situation is idyllic, the truth is that many Spaniards suffer the high cost of living on a daily basis.