Despite an increase, this year’s funds for the state repair bonus of 800,000 euros have almost been used up. The bonus can last until Sunday Thuringia The Ministry of the Environment announced that they can be applied for digitally. Since the new edition in mid-May, more than 9,000 applications have been received. A state subsidy for the repair of electrical devices in approximately the same amount is also planned for the coming year – however, this is part of the preparation of the new budget and is ultimately subject to the decision of the state parliament.
Large variety of repaired devices
The fourth edition of the repair bonus has once again shown that the financial support is very well received by consumers, it said. This year too, there were an average of around 65 repairs every day that were supported by the bonus. According to the information, the average funding amount was around 75 euros. The Thuringians received half of the repair costs back up to a maximum of 100 euros.
The repairs were carried out primarily by local specialist shops and workshops, customer services, electronics stores and occasionally by repair cafés. Mobile phones were most popular with the bonus, followed by washing machines, coffee machines, dishwashers and ovens. According to the information, the favorite items included sewing machines as well as GDR record players and radio recorders. These devices were often more than 30 years old.
Model for other federal states
The acting Environment Minister Bernhard Stegele (Greens) pointed out that, after the Free State, Saxony and Berlin now also offer this option. “Thuringia has shown how it works: with a little support, Thuringians are happy to forgo electronic waste and buy new ones.” This is good for the environment and your wallet and has saved thousands of tons of C02. The bonus has been paid for the repair of electrical appliances in Thuringia since 2021.
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Despite an increase, this year’s funds for the state repair bonus of 800,000 euros have almost been used up. The bonus can last until Sunday Thuringia The Ministry of the Environment announced that they can be applied for digitally. Since the new edition in mid-May, more than 9,000 applications have been received. A state subsidy for the repair of electrical devices in approximately the same amount is also planned for the coming year – however, this is part of the preparation of the new budget and is ultimately subject to the decision of the state parliament.