The Renovation The Fehmarnsund Bridge will be almost 40 million euros more expensive than previously planned. A spokesman for Deutsche Bahn explained that more work is needed than expected. As the Federal Ministry of Transport announced to the Bundestag’s Audit Committee, 91 million euros are now budgeted for the repairs. The “Lübecker Nachrichten” had previously reported.
Contrary to what was initially planned, all 80 steel cables in the central arch are currently being replaced. Due to the windy location, the replacement will take more time and cost, the spokesman explained. The substance of the concrete pillars still needs to be examined by divers before the exact costs can be determined. Two thirds of the renovation of the combined road and rail bridge is borne by the state and one third by the state German railway.
Another million euros for a connection to Denmark?
In the long term, a combined road and rail tunnel is intended to replace the bridge. This will also connect the Baltic Sea Tunnel, which is currently under construction, to Denmark. The Fehmarnsund Bridge would then only be used for light traffic such as pedestrians and cyclists. Preserving the bridge was “the express wish of the region,” explained the DB spokesman.
However, if the Fehmarnsund Tunnel is not completed in time for the opening of the Baltic Sea Tunnel in 2029, the old bridge would have to be used as an alternative route until its completion. This would cost a further 61 million euros for the necessary connection. A decision on this will be made at the “latest possible point in time,” explained the spokesman. Even then, freight trains could only travel over the bridge with a very light load.
© dpa-infocom, dpa:241001-930-248936/1
The Renovation The Fehmarnsund Bridge will be almost 40 million euros more expensive than previously planned. A spokesman for Deutsche Bahn explained that more work is needed than expected. As the Federal Ministry of Transport announced to the Bundestag’s Audit Committee, 91 million euros are now budgeted for the repairs. The “Lübecker Nachrichten” had previously reported.
Contrary to what was initially planned, all 80 steel cables in the central arch are currently being replaced. Due to the windy location, the replacement will take more time and cost, the spokesman explained. The substance of the concrete pillars still needs to be examined by divers before the exact costs can be determined. Two thirds of the renovation of the combined road and rail bridge is borne by the state and one third by the state German railway.