The Lake Constance car ferry between Friedrichshafen and Romanshorn in the Switzerland will no longer run hourly from mid-November. The ferry “Euregia” will be taken out of service because it has reached the end of its service life, announced the German Bodensee-Schiffsbetriebe (BSB) and the Schweizerische Bodensee-Schifffahrt AG (SBS). During the maintenance of the two remaining ferries in winter, a two-hour service must be introduced by mid-March. Nothing will change for pedestrians and cyclists, as there will also be a scheduled boat running between the two banks during this time.

According to the announcement, the “Euregia” began operations in 1996. Modernization is too expensive. It is not yet clear whether the ferry will be scrapped. It will be checked whether it can be used in another function.

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