Friday, October 4, 2024

Migration: Federal police detect almost 2,500 unauthorized entries

The Federal Police After expanding border controls in mid-September, 2,448 unauthorized entries were detected. The Federal Police Headquarters in Potsdam said 1,546 people were sent back after crossing the border illegally. 69 people were banned from re-entering the country and were therefore turned back at the border. 49 smugglers were arrested.

Since September 16th, controls have been carried out at all German borders in order to limit the number of people entering the country without permission. New are the controls at the land borders with Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. There have been controls at the borders with Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland for a long time, and there have also been controls on the border with France because of the Olympic Games. The measure is initially limited to six months.

The numbers now communicated by the Federal Police refer to the period from September 16th to September 30th inclusive and to the borders of all nine states. Information, for example, was not available on the question of how many people entering the country illegally were identified during the additional checks at the borders in the West.

The police union (GdP) declared a few days ago that the new border controls have so far had little effect on limiting illegal activity migration contributed. Only a few illegal entrants and smugglers were caught at the western borders. The checkpoints would simply be bypassed.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:241001-930-248568/1

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