One month after the state elections, the CDU, BSW and SPD are in Thuringia their exploratory talks continue on Wednesday. According to information from negotiating circles, the second meeting of the three parties in Erfurt will, among other things, focus on the topics of agriculture, the environment, construction and infrastructure as well as homeland and social cohesion. During the exploratory rounds, the number of which is open, the top representatives of the three parties are exploring the chances for a blackberry coalition. They are a preliminary stage for possible coalition negotiations.

Thuringia’s CDU leader Mario Voigt is aiming for cooperation with the BSW and SPD. He wants to become Prime Minister of the Free State and the CDU lead out of the opposition after ten years. However, forming a government is difficult. A blackberry coalition would only get 44 out of 88 votes in the state parliament and would need at least one vote from the opposition. The Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband Thuringia called on the three parties to form an effective government that focuses on stability and social justice.

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