Sunday, October 6, 2024

Fish and modern technology: trout are counted using AI

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is currently counting its sea trout using artificial intelligence. The tenth counting device has now been put into operation in Poischower Mühlenbach in the Northwest Mecklenburg district, as the Ministry of the Environment announced. Those swimming past the installed underwater cameras Fish are filmed. An AI evaluates the recordings and recognizes the trout, as it was said.

With the project, the Fisheries Institute of the State Research Center for Agriculture and Fisheries MV wants to measure the success of the reintroduction efforts for sea trout in the northeast. During the GDR era, trout were almost completely out of the waters Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania disappeared, said project manager Armin Steibli.

Trout had almost disappeared from MV

“The reasons for this were pollution and the obstruction of rivers. The trout could no longer swim up the rivers and streams from the Baltic Sea and get to their spawning areas.

According to the ministry, small trout began to be released again in the 1990s. Previously, obstacles to their ascent were removed from the waters. “Today we again have almost 60 trout waters in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania,” reported Steibli. Environment Minister Till Backhaus (SPD) added: “Most of them now contribute to the population in our coastal waters by reproducing themselves.”

Sea or brown trout?

According to Steibli, science does not differentiate between sea trout and brown trout. “It’s the European trout.” Part of the population migrates from the spawning grounds in rivers and streams to the Baltic or North Sea – depending on the river area. In autumn the animals return and the females lay their eggs in their own nursery and thus care for the next generation.

According to Steibli, part of the population – mostly smaller, male animals – remains in streams and rivers. “This is nature’s safety mechanism in case the animals that have migrated do not return due to some event.”

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