Monday, October 7, 2024

Criminal case: Five year youth sentence after school attack in Bischofswerda

A good year after the attempted school shooting in Bischofswerda The accused young person was sentenced to a five-year youth prison sentence at the Bautzen Regional Court. In addition, placement in a psychiatric hospital was ordered, said the President of the Görlitz Regional Court with external chambers in Bautzen, Friedrich-Leopold zu Stolberg. Because of a mental illness, the defendant had only reduced criminal responsibility.

The teenager tried to set his former school on fire in August 2023 and was therefore charged with attempted murder, grievous bodily harm and arson. The then 16-year-old is said to have broken into his former school in August 2023 armed with Molotov cocktails, a toy gun and a lighter and seriously injured an eight-year-old. When the third-grade elementary school student happened to surprise him while he was preparing in the toilet, he attacked him with a knife, then set himself on fire and ran down the stairs burning. The flames were extinguished, the accused seriously injured himself and was initially in a coma.

During the trial, the young person, who had been in a psychiatric clinic since the crime, remained silent and did not comment on the allegations. How long the convicted person stays in psychiatric care depends on the success of the therapy. The defendant’s defense attorney said he should remain in so-called custodial detention until he no longer poses a danger.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:241001-930-248708/1

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