A man in Schwabhausen (Dachau district) is said to have intentionally hit a cyclist with his car and hit him with a license plate – while his two children were sitting in the car. The 44-year-old, who is known to the police, is now being investigated for, among other things, dangerous bodily harm, dangerous interference with road traffic and threats, such as police announced. On Sunday he drove his car past a parked car, whereupon the oncoming cyclist swerved. The 38-year-old complained to him and continued driving.

The 44-year-old then chased the cyclist in his car and rear-ended him, it said. The older man is said to have hit the fallen cyclist several times with the front license plate that had fallen off during the collision. When the 38-year-old tried to escape on foot, the 44-year-old chased him, threatened him and dragged him back to the crime scene. A witness finally called the police.

An ambulance took the slightly injured 38-year-old to the hospital. According to the information, the 44-year-old had to hand over his driver’s license and have his blood taken. According to a police spokesman, a breath alcohol test was negative.

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