Sunday, September 29, 2024

Conavihsida registers 1,644 positive HIV tests in 2024

Until December 2023, according to data offered at that time by UNAIDSin the Dominican Republic there were 79 thousand people living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), of which, 53 thousand were in treatment antiretroviral and 2,800 were under 15 years of age.

These figures were a sign of progress that indicated a reduction in incidence by 16% and a reduction in mortality by 48% among patients with HIVaccording to the Vice Minister of Collective Health, Eladio Pérez.

Currently, the report of monitoring indicators of the National Council for the HIV and AIDS (Conavihsida) highlights that, from January to June 2024, some 77,600 people (including men who have relationships with men, sex workers, Haitian migrants and transgender people) have undergone evidence of HIV and they know their results.

Likewise, some 25,213 pregnant they made their proof of HIV69.7% of the set goal, since the objective was to impact 36,165 women.

This report indicates that 55,197 people are receiving treatment with retroviralincluding 178 women pregnant. This represents 81.5% of the objectives set, the purpose of which is to reach 67,733 patients.

Evidence HIV

So far this year 2024, the Repository of Statistics and Research in ITS-HIVAIDS (Resin) indicates that 134,423 have been carried out in the country evidenceof which 1,644 have tested positive (591 belonging to immigrants of Haitian origin), for a 1.22% positivity.

Of the patients examined, 85,460 are male and 48,963 are female.

Analyzed by province, Santo Domingo is the district where the most evidence have been carried out, reaching 51,885. The National District follows with 22,146 exams.

He is followed by National District with 22,146 exams; 15,140 to men who have sex with other men and 3,674 to sex workers.

Other demarcations where the demand for evidence of HIV They are: Samaná with 6,679 tests; Santiago with 6,675; Santiago Rodríguez with 6,141 and La Altagracia, where 5,347 have been carried out evidence.

Epidemic stabilized

Enrique González, executive director of Conavihsidahighlighted that “the great achievement of the Dominican Republic has been to stabilize the epidemic of the HIV“.

The official stated that the HIV in the country it is a epidemic concentrated in the populations most exposed to the virus, for which the government maintains active protection programs prevention and free care for people, through a joint effort promoted by the CONAVIHSAIDSthe Ministry of Public Health, the National Health Service (SNS) and the organized Civil Society organizations that influence the National Response to HIV.

He explained that the current emphasis of the programs is to reduce new infections.

He revealed that the prevalence of the virus presents variations in those sectors of the population, provinces and regions where economic and social development patterns and risk behaviors create certain conditions for their circulation.

“That the epidemic of the HIVaccording to the latest reports, remains stabilized in 0.9 percent of the population, speaks of the impact of the programs and of political will at the highest level,” he added.

Medicines are arriving

Luis Cruz, director of the Movement GLBTIassured that “the medications are arriving and the patients are being cared for.

Cruz understands that they must carry out greater educational and preventionfocused on the correct use of condoms.

In 2022, the Government of the USAthrough the US President’s Emergency Plan for Emergency Relief AIDS (PEPFAR, for its acronym in English), donated 1.23 million dollars in antiretroviral drugs to the Ministry of Public Health to guarantee the continuity of the treatment to people who live with HIV in the Dominican Republic.

Journalist, graduated from the Universidad Católica Santo Domingo (UCSD) with Summa Cum Laude honor. He has a master’s degree in Applied Communicology from the Complutense University of Madrid. Lover of travel, fashion and live music.

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Melvin Smith is a seasoned news reporter with a reputation for delivering accurate and timely news coverage. His journalistic expertise spans various topics, offering clear and insightful reporting on current events and breaking stories.

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