Thursday, October 3, 2024

Because of knife attacks: More protection for Saarland police officers

With so-called cut protection scarves, Saarland police officers should be better protected against knife attacks in the future. Interior Minister Reinhold Jost (SPD) responded to the fatal attack on a police officer in Mannheim by a suspected Islamist at the end of May. The Saarland one police According to the head of the state police’s clothing department, Oliver Kuhn, it is the first in Germany to be equipped with the protective scarves nationwide.

The tube scarves are reinforced with a special fiber. “Stronger than steel,” said Kuhn. They protect especially against knife attacks that are carried out in wiping and cutting movements. The first 1,000 of a total of 3,000 scarves, which cost around 63,000 euros, are now being handed out to the emergency services.

New service weapons

There are also new service weapons: The SFP9 replaces the previous P10 service pistol, which has been in use since 1998. A total of 3,000 pistols will be purchased for around 1.6 million euros by 2027, which, according to Jost, will meet the latest technical standards.

The new weapons are easier to handle and safer, said State Police Vice President Natalie Grandjean. The police counterpart will no longer be able to remove the law enforcement officer’s weapon from the holster. In addition, a shot can no longer be fired if the weapon falls and you no longer have to pre-cock it.

GDP union welcomes new equipment

The police union (GdP) also praised the new service pistol. “The feedback so far from colleagues who have already been retrained on this has been consistently positive,” said state chairman Andreas Rinnert to the German Press Agency.

In addition, the GdP “expressly” welcomes the Interior Minister’s decision after the “terrible crime”. Mannheim I acted quickly with the purchase of the cut protection scarves. The union also called for protection of the armpit area, which is also particularly at risk.

From the GdP’s point of view, “at least as essential” as the scarves is the introduction and comprehensive equipping of the police with tying systems to stop the flow of blood, for example after knife attacks. These so-called tourniquets were recently successfully used by the police on several victims in Solingen and Mannheim.

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