Monday, September 30, 2024

After resignations from the Greens: Liberals stand firmly by FDP leader Lindner

After resignations from the Greens
Liberals stand firmly by FDP leader Lindner

The FDP suffered three serious electoral defeats in the East, but apparently party leader Lindner is still firmly in the saddle. While parliamentary group leader Dürr rejects all doubts about the Liberals’ stoic course, CDU leader Merz expresses his lack of understanding about the party’s destructive role within the traffic lights.

In contrast to the Greens, according to FDP parliamentary group leader Christian Dürr, there should be no consequences for the party leadership after the election debacle in the East. “Christian Lindner is at our head, and so are the topics,” said Dürr to the Düsseldorf “Rheinische Post”. “Now we will ensure that these topics are implemented.” Dürr emphasized: “We liberals are united on the issues, just look at our positions on the debt brake, economic prosperity and also on stricter migration measures, which we have been calling for since 2015.” With regard to the traffic light coalition, he added: “The FDP went into government to change something and we have already succeeded in doing that in many places. We have this responsibility and we accept it.” Dürr said: “We want to change things for the better. As long as that is possible, we should make decisions together.”

Dürr was confident in the traffic light coalition’s pension dispute, but did not want to commit to a timetable. “More important than the schedule is the result of the negotiations with the SPD and the Greens. And I will remain optimistic until the end.” At the same time, Dürr denied that the pension dispute could lead to a break in the coalition. “No. All three coalition partners want stable pensions and an opening of the capital market for everyone.” At the same time, with reference to the first reading in the Bundestag, he emphasized: “We are not blocking the pension package.” Dürr added: “For decades, politicians have promised secure pensions without saying who should pay for them. It is historic what we are planning for pensions. I think it is completely normal that we take time for the financial debate. “

Dürr demanded further discussions from the Union about measures on migration policy. “In my view, continuing the talks with the Union would be important in order not to leave the field to the populists on the right and left and also to find quick, effective solutions with the Union-led countries. The attack in Solingen has shown that The federal and state governments are jointly responsible.” At the same time, Dürr emphasized: “The goal is clear: We have to restructure migration policy so that we determine who comes in and who has to leave when. In the future, it must be easier to come to Germany to work than to rest in the social system.”

Merz: FDP is engaging in organized suicide

In the morning, CDU chairman Friedrich Merz expressed sharp criticism of FDP leader Lindner and described the liberals as having committed “political suicide”. When asked about his once good relationship with Lindner, Merz told “Bild am Sonntag”: “I understand him less and less now. I don’t know what he’s up to.”

In the state elections in Brandenburg, the FDP slipped to 0.8 percent, in Thuringia to 0.9 percent and in Saxony to 1.1 percent. The FDP also has no chance in the state elections in Hamburg next March. “I don’t know what the party is planning. What they’re doing at the moment is organized suicide.

In a recent circular email to his supporters, the CDU leader accused the FDP of torpedoing the work in the federal government and thereby damaging the country. The party is now doing everything it can to finally be thrown out of the coalition: “It no longer adheres to anything that the traffic light parties agreed to almost three years ago.”

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Melvin Smith is a seasoned news reporter with a reputation for delivering accurate and timely news coverage. His journalistic expertise spans various topics, offering clear and insightful reporting on current events and breaking stories.

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